  • ایران ، تهران، شهرک غرب، بلوار شهید دادمان،خیابان گلستان کوچه گلستان یکم پلاک ۱۸ واحد۴
  • n.e.mandegar@gmail.com

Activity history

If we want to take a look at the history of the block beam, it is necessary to mention that the block beam is considered as an alternative to the vaulted ceiling. In fact, the old roofs, which were known as Taq Zarabi, did not have the necessary resistance against earthquakes from the point of view of engineers and experts, and this problem reduced the life of the structure and brought many life risks to the residents. At this time, the block beam was introduced as an alternative roof. This sample of roofs that were produced with cement blocks usually had a much higher weight than the standard. The use of clay blocks also imposed a lot of costs on the builders.

In the next stage of the development of the block beam roof for use in structures, Unolit was used, which, of course, standardized the roof in a way due to the smoke caused by the fire. Finally, the use of fireproof foams in construction projects made block beams to be considered as one of the most economical and best methods of roof implementation in buildings.

The block beam or slab beam consisted of three parts, which we know as the beam, block and upper concrete or deep concrete parts. We must keep in mind that the blocks used in the block beam roof can be considered cement, clay and unolite blocks. We must keep in mind that the block beam is a suitable option as a standard roof in many buildings that use metal and concrete frames, and you can use it.

The best services of Zawiya company are based on the fact that by removing the prefabricated beam and the cost of transporting it to the work, and integrating the roof and beam to make the beam and the main beam as much as possible, to homogenize the roof, use high-quality structural rebar and concrete on it. Use instead of cement

The biggest concern of the customers about the block beam ceilings is the poor quality of the mortar and rebar used, which may break and crumble during storage.

Implementation of Zawiya company based on in-situ beams with a roof and combined unolites with fireproof mortar, which reduces the cost of rabbeting and imposing dead load on the structure and prevents the burning of unolites in a fire.