  • ایران ، تهران، شهرک غرب، بلوار شهید دادمان،خیابان گلستان کوچه گلستان یکم پلاک ۱۸ واحد۴
  • n.e.mandegar@gmail.com

social responsibility

Considering the 7-year production of monolith ceilings in the construction market of Iran and the problems that this product has during its implementation in buildings, so far no manufacturer has taken any action to correct the problems of this product. Currently, the most important issue that exists during implementation is that the safety of workers is not respected during implementation.
Also, regarding the issue of building fire and preventing the occurrence of this important issue in buildings, the mission of the new angle ceiling block product is to protect the lives of workers during implementation and to prevent the transmission of fire through the roof to the entire building, and the concrete layer worked on Unolit These two important issues and our social responsibility to the engineering building community.